Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Another Ghost Hunt

It's time for another ghost hunt. On Saturday December 4, 2010, we are going to a haunted cemetery. I will give  more up-to-date information about this when time gets closer.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What do you think?

I would  like to know some of your stories, or if you would like for us to come and investigate something, please email me. I will get back in touch with you asap.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The barn Ghost

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Ghost Seekers
By Jason A. Dowdy
      On November 13, 2010.several other investigators and I   received a call that a young couple has been noticing that odd things in their home have been happening. We went to investigate. When we arrived at the home where we were met by Joe and Lora, Joe began to describe some of the things that have been happening in his home. He started by telling us how he was outside one day cleaning out the garage putting stuff in the front yard to be cleaned and as he was walking back out from the garage to put more things out, the items that he had previously put out had been moved and put in a unexplained fashion. He just had a very eerie feeling about it that just made him stop for the day.

       Joe and Lora then began to explain a time when they were in their home, and Joe was back in his bathroom and as he started out he saw his brother standing in the door way. Joe stopped and smiled then asked his brother what he was doing there. In an instant Joes brother gave no response and just walked away from the doorway. I asked Joe what the significant of that story was. He responded by saying that his brother has been dead for more than 20 years. Then Joe told us how he was out in the barn doing some remodeling to the barn, as he put the scaffolding out. He remembered something he left in the house. Joe returned to the house and as he returned to the barn he noticed that the scaffolding was not out on the floor were he had originally placed it. It was folded back up and placed back in it’s spot hanging on the wall. Joe then told us that as the day went on and as he worked on into the night he was standing next to the work bench and just like that four bulbs simultaneously blew out. He thought this was weird because that was exactly how many bulbs he had left to replace them. Joe began talking to some of the other investigators.

        Lora began to tell me how Joe, many years ago, was in a severe car crash that just destroyed the car andput Joe in a coma for months. Lora explained that Joe had this one song playing from a CD from Michael Bolton. As Lora went to the junk yard to retrieve Joe belongings she notice the CD was not in the CD Player but it was in the CD Case and laying on the passenger seat and that when you try to play the CD on the only song that plays on the hole CD is the song "he is alive". We then asked if we could get started as it was getting very late. We started out in the barn. With an EVP (Electronic, voice, Phenomenon) session, took a lot of pictures and video taped the EVP session with night vision. Then as the night went on we split the group up into two groups half the group went into the house. The other half stayed out in the barn and did more EVP sessions. Joe was in the barn with the group that was out there. Lora was with the other group in the house. As we started to rap things up for the evening, Joe and I were outside. The rest of the group was in the house with Lora. Joe began to tell me there was one thing he wanted to tell us about his brothers passing. His passing was not accidental. Joes brother shot himself. Three nights before he shot himself, Joe was stationed in Germany and had just gotten to the hotel and  was in his room for about an hour when the desk clerk knocked on his door. Joe answered the door and the desk clerk said he had a phone call down stairs. Joe responded by asking the desk clerk how is that possible no one knows I am even here or have even landed. The desk clerk just shook his head and walked away. Joe then said as he was on the phone with his brother and his brother told him that this would be the last time he would every get to talk to him. He went on to say just wanted to say I love you and I will always be watching over you. Joe started to tell him no, I will be home in a couple of months but as he did he heard a click and then silence. Joe told me that he does feel as if his brother is watching over him and that his brother is his guardian angel.

On November 15, 2010, I finished listening to the EVP recordings that I made of that night. What did I discover? Nothing or something?

       My recommendation on Joe and Lora’s home is. That there may be some kind of supernatural forces or present at work. I believe that what they may be experiencing may be supernatural but unfortunately I feel that the details are inconclusive. We need to return and continue our investigation.